• Anita Sari Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Riau
Keywords: Experiential learning model, Learning device, Cubes and beams, Validity and practicality


The background of this research is the limited of learning device as a means of supporting learning referring to 2013 curriculum. This research aims to develop syllabus, Learning Implementation Plan (LIP) and Student Learning Worksheet (SLW) with experiential learning model on the subject of cubes and beams for 8th grade students of junior high school. The research used Research and Develomant (R&D) with the ADDIE procedure; analyze, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Due to time constraints, this research is only done until the development stage. This research instrument used are sheet of learning device validation, questionnaire response of learnears, and evaluation of learning outcomes. Syllabus, LIP and SLW validated two times by three validators and revised according to the suggestion from the validator. The valid LIP was then limited tested with the subject of nine students of 8th grade in SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru. Based on the analysis result of the validation data, it can be concluded that syllabus and LIP are considered very valid and SLW is valid with average rating for syllabus is 3.44, LIP is 3.34 and SLW is 3.13. In the second validation, it can be concluded that the syllabus, LIP and SLW are considered very valid with the average rating for the syllabus is 3.75, for the LIP is 3.65 and for SLW is 3.47. Based on the analysis results of the questionnaire response of learners to SLW in the limited trial is 95.5% with very practical category and the average of the result of student’s evaluation is 84.8. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion concluded that the syllabus, LIP, and SLW with experiential learning model on the subject of cubes and beams for 8th grade students of Junior High School have fulfilled the validity and practical requirements to used by 8th grade students of Junior High School.


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